The blogosphere has been buzzing over the Georgian Situation. I think Ralph Peters' column in the New York Post sums things up the best. Clearly a watershed moment on Russo-American relations. Looks like its time to buy defense stocks again. The former Eastern Bloc countries are nervous and not looking to Europe to protect them. The new treaty to deploy ABMs in Poland is far overdue. I recommend we pull the rest of our troops out of Eastern Europe and place them in Poland and the Ukraine....the Russians might not like it, but tough....the newest members of NATO deserve our protection as much as the Froggies or Belgians...
The next Administration will have its hands full. If this isn't enough evidence for energy independence to cut off funding to petro-dictatorships, what more evidence do we need? Will the next Axis of Evil become Iran-Russia-Venezuela? A scary thought, but probably not that far fetched...

The next Administration will have its hands full. If this isn't enough evidence for energy independence to cut off funding to petro-dictatorships, what more evidence do we need? Will the next Axis of Evil become Iran-Russia-Venezuela? A scary thought, but probably not that far fetched...
