The hits just keep rolling along...from Ace of Spades website
Sarah Palin: Die Hard
Barack Obama: The Crying Game
Obama = Moose
Sarah Palin = Sarah Palin
Palin = George S. Patton
Obama = Weeping candy-ass
Obama = Turks at Battle of Lepanto
Palin = Christians at Battle of Lepanto
Republican Convention = Battle of Lepanto
Sarah Palin: The Death Star
Barack Obama: Alderaan.
Obama: The most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Palin: The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
Palin: Dirty Harry
Obama: Punk
Obama Xerxes: "Lay down your weapons and you will live."
Leonides Palin : "Come and get them."
Obama = Toyota Prius
Palin = H2 Hummer
Obama: Tokyo
Palin: Godzilla
Palin: Chuck Norris roundhouse kick
Obama: whatever gets in Chuck Norris's way
Palin: Capt. Kirk
Obama: A Red Shirt
Obama = Bambi
Palin = Godzilla
Obambi - John Bobbit
Palin - Lorena Bobbit