The recent news (or not news but just reported) out of Illinois should not surprise student of American political history. From the 1960 election, when Mayor Dailey I threw the election to JFK to the latest scandal involving Gov. Buy-a-vowel-ovitch, Illinois has clearly been taking over from Louisiana as the most corrupt state in the Union. Is it any wonder that Obambi just bought the Presidency for $650M (way more than Buy-a-vowel-ovitch could get for a Senate seat). I mean seriously, does anyone think that something fishy isn't going on when Obambi rakes in the dough from disposable credit cards? Did anyone at MSNBCABCCBSNBC think to check George Soros's recycling bin on trash day? But, hey, as Obambi likes to brag, that's just the "Chicago Way." Does anyone doubt a black-bag group isn't in the work? After all, everyone thinks Nixon was a vindictive crook, but LBJ could teach him a lesson or two on dealing with political enemies. And of course, speaking of get even at all costs Democrats, has there ever been a better political hatchet job than the Clintons (well likely Hillary since she thinks with the big head).
Alas, I doubt the lamestream media (I picked that up from Monica Crowley :) will dig up anything that even remotely ties Obambi to this mess. Now, if this happened in Arizona after a McCain victory, we would hear about it 24/7 all the way to inauguration and likely hear about Palin's wardrobe some more too.
What's even better is that the media, no matter how hard they try and how much the desperately want to-- CAN'T BLAME THIS ONE ON BUSH. That must really hurt. But, not to worry, they will bury deep, deep, deep, any possible connection to Obambi and this story will be quickly shuffled off to page A34 of the New York Times (if they can afford a page A34), particularly if Buy-a-vowel-ovitch is forced to resign and someone else appoints Obambi's successor.
It will be instructive to watch how this plays out. Don't look for any Woodward and Bernstein to emerge since journalism is mostly dead, especially when it comes to investigating uberliberal Democrats, especially minority uberliberal Democrats....
