Ralph Peters' novel is equally scary and a little preachy. Peters is one of my favorite military commentators and is very much a grouchy historian. His novel is set in a post-apocalyptic world where Israel has been destroyed by Iran, the U.S. and Europe have suffered nuclear terrorism and the U.S. and Europe revert to fascist states that persecute and essentially destroy their Muslim populations before embarking on a new "Crusade" to recover Jerusalem. Peter's draws upon many of the themes of his early book, Wars of Blood and Faith, a pithy tome of his newspaper columns from the height of the Iraq War in 2006-2007. Peters clearly thinks that Christians are at least as capable of religious killing as Muslims, a point I might disagree with, but if the U.S., Europe and Israel suffered nuclear attacks, who knows...there might be some glassy areas of the Middle East. In any event Peters is also very skeptical of the U.S. military's dependency and assumption of technical superiority over future opponents and as a fictional account of how future war could happen when the electronic spectrum is so full that NOBODY'S high-tech toys works, this book is an excellent cautionary tale. Could the U.S. military fight without GPS, SATCOM, air supremacy and against an opponent willing to die in great numbers? Good questions for real life.
In any event, I highly recommend these two books, Kratman's especially as a fictional wakeup call for why we must absolutely WIN in Afghanistan and not surrender as I fear this Administration is getting ready to do.