Okay, I have had enough of these booger-eatin' morons.  I nearly puked reading Frank Rich's moronic tome 
and various other idiotic pronouncements from left-wing talking heads (or talking out their a**, same thing) that anyone opposing Obamacare is a racist, sexist, ignorant red neck.  So, in a calm rational tone, I will take this moronic poltroon to task.
The Republican crackup (Published in the Washington Post, what a surprise)

By Matt Miller
Tuesday, March 31, 2020;

Has anyone else noticed that seemingly well-adjusted Republicans have been driven insane by the passage of Obamacare? [Unlike the calm rational left-wingers that went bat-sh** crazy about EVERYTHING that George W. Bush said, ate, did, read, etc]You can catch them muttering under their breath, whimpering on editorial pages and howling to the moon that this Democratic victory is the death knell for much that we cherish in American life. When I first saw a Republican friend jump out the window in this fashion, I assumed it was an isolated incident, or even politically motivated play-acting. Now that I've seen countless others follow suit, however, it's a phenomenon that merits deeper psychological inquiry.
As a matter of objective reality, after all, this Republican derangement seems an absurd overreaction. How could taking Mitt Romney's health-care plan national be seen by any balanced person as the beginning of the end? Still, everyone knows that too many big, stressful changes at once -- such as getting divorced, changing jobs and moving homes -- can push even sturdy people over the edge. Three sudden emotional shocks likewise explain the Republican crackup.
Shock 1: Losing big. For starters, Republicans simply have not lost on an issue this big in decades. Media coverage features so many breathless political ups and downs that it's easy to assume each party tastes victory and defeat in equal measure. But as a matter of ideology, these overheated fights take place between the 45-yard lines on a field that conservatives shrewdly tilted to their advantage several decades ago. That President Obama could move the debate to the 40-yard line  [On the contrary, the Dems lied, cheated, threatened and bribed their way to pass this bill with NO Republican support] and win is something the modern GOP has never experienced. Republicans mauled President Clinton when he tried to do the same; after 1994, Clinton's "wins" were trumped-up and tiny. Republicans have so successfully framed the debate for so long that they don't know what it feels like to be thoroughly beaten. Who wouldn't feel disoriented and angry?
Shock 2: The quest for security. The next blow is the dawning awareness that the quest for economic security in a global era is reshaping politics. The instant premise of Republican analysis -- that the public will never tolerate Obamacare's repeal once it is implemented -- concedes the point that health reform will bring a measure of security that families crave. The Republican psyche is having so much trouble digesting this reality, though, that the party is resorting to the kind of condescending arguments for which they normally damn liberals. Who's got more contempt for the average American? Liberals who say everyday Kansans vote Republican because they're too dumb to grasp their own economic self-interest? Or conservatives who now say voters are too dimwitted to see that Obamacare will devour their freedom?
Deep down, Republicans know they haven't developed serious policy responses to the economic anxieties of the middle class. [This is my favorite idiotic statement-how about lower taxes, less government eating at the trough, free market health care reform, not taking over car companies, banks, etc. along with new "environmental' regulations]This (rightly) scares them.
Shock 3: The death of the tax issue. The final shock is the cruelest of all: the demise of the tax issue that's defined the Republican brand since Ronald Reagan. There's been no shortage of conservative carping since the health-care vote that we're now doomed to have a value-added tax to fund the runaway welfare state. Well, earth to GOP: Taxes have always been destined to go up as baby boomers retire and we double the number of people on Social Security and Medicare in the years ahead -- and the scale of that retiree commitment is far greater than the tab for Obamacare. [NOPE, I think THIS is my favorite moronic statement- NO SH** Sherlock...we can't pay for the big government programs we have now without taxing ourselves into oblivion and he thinks it's good to add $1T more in taxes to pay for universal health care {and it's comin', make no mistake about that}]Trying to blame health reform for the higher taxes in our future is another species of the denial that has left GOP tax talk almost comically detached from reality. But this is just the GOP acting out its fears. When a party discovers that core aspects of its political identity no longer offer meaningful answers to the nation's problems, the torment is acute. Yet what else can we say of the GOP now that "rugged individualism" won't suffice to save American workers from competition from China and India, and when taxes are sure to rise, no matter how many Republicans we elect?
The signposts in the Republican universe have been abruptly altered. So don't let yourself become desensitized to the sight of conservatives stumbling, lost in the night, the way you avert your eyes when passing poor homeless souls on the sidewalk. Suffering is subjective. There are people on the street who really think they are Jesus. There are Republicans in our midst who really think Obama's version of Romneycare equals socialism. There but for the grace of God -- and maybe a little less sloppy thinking -- go we. [Oh, and just to finish off this idiot, is he even aware of what Romneycare did to Massachusetts? Even their own politicians are scrambling to save it..so Romney is no hero on this matter, but what makes these idiots think Obama can run it any better than Romney?]

Matt Miller, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress  <---[OH, that explains everything, he's an Obamabot paid for by George Soros]
Okay, I feel so much better know...these people really, really piss me off...and I mean in a big way.  These people have no idea what's going to hit them.  When unemployment remains high, the real estate market continues to slide, AND all of the new taxes get piled on top, the voters are gonna be furious.  THEN when the Bush tax cuts expire, just in time for the 2012 Presidential elections, look for a voter revolt that has never been seen. 

In sort of an ironic way, morons like this guy may finally succeed in getting the American people to consider what many past Republican Presidents have not been able to back to the days of the great Ronald Reagan-HOW do we pay for all of these entitlements with our massive $10T debt (mostly imposed by Obama), huge numbers of retirees coming into the system and the potential to add millions of (il)legal aliens...this may be the greatest unintended consequence of the liberal progressive Democrats obsession with passing universal health care (which this is, a wolf in sheep's clothing)...the American People are gonna wake up and figure out we are going the way of Zimbabwe or Weimar Germany unless HARD, DIFFICULT choices are made..which will not be popular, will be painful, but, in the end, must be made.
Just not be this Congress or this Administration.
