Another Brain Break...JD ROBB

These books, are, of course, my ultimate guilty pleasure...I mean really, what kind of Grouchy Historian reads {gasp}...romantic suspense?  ME, and if you don't like it....tough.

Ahh, well, 35 or so books later, the crack addiction continues.  Yes, I loved this book, yes I waited very impatiently at the library for my copy.  SAY, here's an awesome about JD (AKA Nora Roberts, queen of the romances) put ALLLLLL the JD Robb books together as a hugemongous Kindle download....THAT would be totally AWESOME...

But I digress.  This book had a wonderful twist, really interesting science and the outstanding secondary character byplay, witty dialogue and mystery I love.  As an aside, I have to say, as an author writing a futuristic series, Nora really is becoming, in my opinion, an accomplished science fiction writer....why do I say this?  Well the futuristic technology is seamlessly molded into the story, without taking over the story, if you know what I mean.  The characters are "ordinary" people, who live in a future with interesting technologies, but face the same human conflicts Homer would write about...THAT is good science fiction--the science facilitates, but does not take over the story.  In this volume in particular, I really enjoyed some of the back story of the "Urban Wars" that figure some prominently in the background of all of these volumes.  In my opinion, there are a couple of books just WAITING to be written about Summerset or even a young Roarke in the aftermath of those wars (hint, hint).  Kinda of like the really outstanding Remember When crossover book...(hint, hint, wink, wink)

So, here's what was maddening, and yet enticing about this book...I was reading the mystery, which our hero babe, Eve Dallas seemed to have solved with an interesting story line and investigation, but I was saying to myself..."wow, there still seem to be a lot of pages left."  Then, BAM, plot twist, the HOLY SH-- where did that come from angle... and another satisfied read completed.  Just  goes to show, Nora (JD) is still at the top of her craft and can pull off the plot twist with seaming effortless ease.

Well played, Miss for the next six month wait....

Oh, by the way....35 freakin' incredible is that.....I am muy impressed....and hooked....argh....
