Food for Thought

So your Grouchy Historian started his new year with an interesting...and, as always, anonymous post from a liberal...and a SWO...hmmm, they are both very testy types...mostly because they know deep down that brown shoes were so much cooler and got more babes, but I digress....
Anonymous said...
A "follower of Ronald Reagan" who is a military analyst for the government. So freaking typical. LOL. From: a slobbering liberal who sailed on frigates that took your P-3 Orion sonobuoy signals and actually made contact with the bad boys beneath the waves. IF you hate government why do you work for government? LOL. YES WE CAN. Black Shoe SWO.
First of all, I am not a "follower" of Ronald Reagan, I simply admire his political prowess, patriotism, and belief in America...only liberal DemocRATS deify their Obamassiah.   

However, because I am thoughtful, introspective...and brutally self-critical, unlike most liberals, I thought.."Hmm, what if he's I HATE government?"...liberals really like that phrase for some reason.  Then I reconsidered....and, as always, went back to the Constitution..liberals favorite thing...after guns, God, and bacon...ok, not really...
 We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Now, if one interprets that literally, one of the SPECIFIC purposes of the US Government is to provide for our defense.  And, I hope that my contributions as one of those bottom-dwelling defense contractors (NOT a government worker), contributes in some small way to that effort....just like my 11 years in uniform did.  Now I know liberals may interpret the "promote the general welfare" part of the preamble as tax the poop out of the rich and redistribute it to their favorite "poor" and minority groups, but I don't think that's what the Founding Fathers intended.

Which brings me back to the question-Do I have government?....NO, there are specific things the United States government must do...again they are spelled out in the Constitution.  However, do I think the government tries to do too much? I think there are places to cut government spending...even in the defense realm?  YES.  I read somewhere that the US government has basically become an insurance company with an army....OUCH...that really hurts...because it's true!!

This, of course, is the debate this country must have...sooner or later....preferably sooner.  WHAT are the roles we want government to the local, state and national level.  AND more importantly what are Americans willing to pay for them?

2013 offers some interesting possibilities...I hope an honest, open conversation about the financial direction of our country is one of them....but that's about as likely as a Stanley Cup playoff in 2013...............

Oh, and as far as SWO boy goes...I wonder what he's doing now? Working for the TIDES Foundation?  SEIU?   I wonder about anyone who describes themselves as a slobbering anything...hmmm

Anyone, an interesting way to start my year.........


Anonymous said…
Why do you insist on silly stuff like "democRATs"? I take no one seriously who uses terms like "repubturds," "liburals," "libturds," or must capitalize the "rat" in democrat. This sort of juvenile discourse is part of the reason this country is so f-----d up. And please do not say the other size does it as well...that is the sort of thing my 6 your old tells me.
Sigh...another anonymous poster...actually I do it to be annoying...clearly it works...and it's pretty mild compared to some of the stuff from the democratic underground or the dailykos.

Oh, that's right liberals date all history, snark, and political sarcasm from Jan 20, 2009..the first year of the reign of Barrackus I...the liberal lord and savior

I just follow Alinsky Rule 5

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
Anonymous said…
So basically the defense is 1) it's annoying and 2) the other side does it -- and even worse. Sigh....
Yup, it's my blog and I'll snark if I want to, snark if I want to...woooo wooooo
Anonymous said…
Indeed, so have at it. I do not find it annoying...just a bit curious and depressing, yet another sign of what is wrong with our politics.