Economy tanks...HEY look at this brave gay basketball player....

WARNING...political viewpoints ahead...if you are an Obama supporter...stop reading now cuz it's gonna send you into an apoplectic Chris Matthews kinda spittle-fest...

OKAY, I warned you.

So, the story goes that the Roman Emperors, as they engaged in endless orgies, banquets and general "It's good to be the king" kinda activities, placated the peasants with "bread and circuses" in attempt to keep their inferiors satiated with food and entertainment so they wouldn't ask "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"....glad to see the Obama White House has some sense of history: 

Obama's $2.5M Hotel and 'Vehicle Rental' Tab on Last Mexico Trip

Clearly this is now the operational construct of the Obama White House. Given the fact that the economy continues to limp along...with no REAL job or economic recovery in sight, this Administration (or Gangter Group, as it were) needs to talk about ANYTHING but Joe Biden's favorite three-letter word--jobs, jobs, jobs.

Spring Slowdown Paints Ugly Picture for Jobs: ADP- What's interesting about this story is that it's from CNBC...which apparently hasn't gotten the word from MSDNC that you shouldn't report bad news...unless you blame W or the Republicans...or the Koch Brothers...more on that later..

OR there's this lovely news...

'Real' Jobless Rate Still Above 10% In Most States-Also interestingly enough from CNBC...hmmm, I predict a little house cleaning there...they will probably hire crack economists like Paul Krugman and Michael Moore. However, it's nice to see that some folks are waking up to the chicanery in Washington to KEEP OBAMA LOOKING matter what the pesky reality is....

While the government said the GDP revisions will present a more encompassing look at the economy, critics are howling that the changes are an attempt to mask weak growth and rationalize more debt.

"It shouldn't come as a surprise they are going to change the way this number is reported," said Michael Pento, founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies. "When GDP numbers are chronically bad [averaging just 1.45 percent in the last two quarters] and the labor force participation rate is perpetually falling, our government will do the same thing they did for the inflation data—tinker with the formula until you get the desired result," he said.

HA, ya think...there is no such thing as government statistics's all LIES, LIES, and more LIES to protect the exalted Dear Leader....I mean seriously, if Mitt Romney was in the White House, do you think the Lamestream Obama Rectal Diving Media would be trying to spin 3% growth as anything but a disaster? Hmmph, I didn't think so.

However, it's nice to know the AP is still firmly cranially anally implanted...

Survey: Private employers add just 119K in April- Now granted, that's not a happy headline, but they make up for it by towing the Democratic line and blaming it on government spending cuts...OH, and maybe a little bit on those pesky payroll tax hikes and gee, maybe, ya think...that OBAMACARE thing...
Zandi said that hiring is being affected by an increase in Social Security taxes at the beginning of the year and across-the-board spending cuts that kicked in March 1. Along with higher taxes on wealthier Americans, which also took effect Jan. 1, the tax increases and spending cuts could subtract 1.5 percentage points from growth this year, he said.That's the biggest government drag on the economy since the end of World War II, he said.Health care reform may also be a reason some employers are holding back, Zandi said. Companies with 50 or more employees in 2013 have to provide insurance for their workers next year.
BUT, hey, forget about a crappy job market just in time for another college graduation season (although to be fair, since most of those young morons voted for him, sympathy is hard to come by...cause and effect can be a real bitch sometimes)...and don't even bother talking about that failing real estate market

U.S. Homeownership Rate Falls to Lowest Since 1995

NOPE, let's talk about something of vital interest to Americans struggling to make ends meet and hopefully get their 20-somethings out of the house before we yours truly....

Athletes out of the closet but prejudice lingers

YUP, GAY PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES...that's what's important to our President and the chatteratzi in this country....are you !@#*(&#$*(& kidding me?????

It's bad enough we had to endure the overwrought huffing and puffing about a gun control measure that was clearly going to fall....or watch our foreign policy implode over the incompetence and neglect of this Administration as the Middle East BURNS....

NOPE, now we get to be lectured by the politically correct class and our superiors (you know steller folks like Chris Matthews, Bill Maher, and Rachel Maddow...people who would last about 30 seconds in a zombie apocalypse...except for Maddow, she would genuinely scare the zombies...just sayin') about how we need to embrace diversity among our professional athletes...

Well, I DON'T care who the hell is sleeping with who in the NBA, NFL, NHL, WNBA, or EIEO for that matter. They are all overpayed whiny bratz as far as I'm concerned that have not a shred of class or decency compared to a Roger Staubach, Dan Marino, or even Terry a pox on all their houses.

What really disturbes me (can you tell?) is that fact that Obamacare will DESTROY what tintsy-whensy economic growth we have...and keep the job market crappy for decades to come.....

Obamacare’s Tax Hike Train Wreck

Yup, Obama and the DemocRATS who passed this pile of sh++ by legislative fiat are now trying to hide, distract, deny, deceive, and outright LIE to minimize the impact of this legislation (I use that word loosely) to hope it doesn't destroy them in 2014. I mean seriously, the DemocRATS will deserve the shellacking I hope they get, cuz OBAMA CAN'T SAVE them in 2014...even if he wanted to or cared...which is another predicted by many pundits, including myself, the DemocRATic Party is gonna OWN THIS ALL THE WAY...they can try and blame Republicans...and especially Republican governors for the train wreck...but watch the states that see the highest insurance premium increases....I will bet they will be BLUE states all they way...another bitch session of cause and effect, huh?

Ok, that felt better....I have been building up to that the last few weeks....

Now back to our regularly scheduled history and strategy discussions................
