Well, this is an unusual topic, but I had to say goodbye to an old friend.
North and South Magazine.
I have been a faithful subscriber to one of the finest Civil War history magazines for over 10 years. I looked forward to getting this magazine every other month, to see what kind of nit-noid article (I mean seriously, who really cares about Chinese participants in the Civil War?)
to the magnificent--it actually had an entire issue dedicated to the retreat from Gettysburg before that was a cool Civil War topic.
Through it all, the magazine had interesting book reviews, fantastic articles by many, many well known and highly endorsed by your Grouchy Historian authors, and generally maintained very high standards for a history magazine sold to the masses at your local Barnes and Noble. Sadly, on the business end I guess it didn't do as well, and since there are many, many military history and Civil War magazines competing for dollars, it had to fold. Of course, being a small independent magazine probably didn't help either, especially in the days of the media conglomerate and magazine empires.
So, farewell to a fine magazine...
North and South Magazine.

So, farewell to a fine magazine...