Back in the Saddle Again

It's been a long time since I've written an essay on this blog. More about essays in a minute. While I was taking my Lenten social media fast it occurred to me that there are, many topics people ask about that really do not fit into an Instagram Story, or even and extended Instagram Post. Therefore, I am excited to begin real writing again, taking the time to more thoroughly research a topic or subject, particularly controversial topics, and there are many these days that have been on my mind.

As I dive into an extended reading stack, there are a number of subjects that I plan to opine, and I hope they will be more enlightening than infuriating.

  • Politics is one of my favorite topics, and as anyone who has followed me on social media knows, I am not shy about sharing my opinions and beliefs. I try to do so in a less emotional and more logical manner, although I cannot always escape my highly developed sense of snark. But I'll work on it, as do enjoy reading a well written and thought out editorial column, even though these days those are becoming increasingly rare. 
  • Church history and faith study is also a favorite subject. I am certainly no theologian, but I do enjoy sharing excellent books on the Faith and resources for homeschoolers and cathecists. 
  • And, of course, history is my favorite topic and clearly an area I am especially passionate about, particularly in these days when many aspects of American history are under siege by those who would radically rewrite the truth of America's story to satisfy their particular grievance or political agenda. 

In addition, I intend to start a more deliberate schedule of creating and releasing YouTube videos on my channel on the following topics:

· Early church history; particularly the immediate post-Apostolic and early period of the Church fathers. I have always wondered how the Church transitioned to the first generation of Bishops and martyrs and survived the numerous Roman persecutions. Sadly, I fear these lessons may need to be relearned for today.
  • A great deal of topics about the Founding Fathers and Founding Documents. There have been a flood of new books on these topics (timely to say the least) and I think some of them are worth dwelling on as we go forward from one of the most difficult years in our nation's history. Although it is gratifying to see so much renewed interest in this time period, some of these new works require a skeptical eye. 
  • The most controversial topic to be tackled is the 1619 Project. As mentioned in an earlier Instagram post that generated quite a number of responses, some of them highly charged, this is a highly contentious rewriting of American history to fit a particularly viewpoint and bears close examination and criticism as it will likely infiltrate into nearly all public school curriculum. 
  • Finally, my last tutoring student will be a senior next year and I have decided to create an American government curriculum, loosely modeled on the AP American Government study guides. If there is sufficient interest, I might be able to make it available as a download for homeschoolers. 
So that's were things stand today. It's been almost a year since I was able to enjoy a number of IGLive history discussions with my attentive and awesome audience, so I hope everyone will keep reading and commenting.

I hope to be able to provide some small service to my readers.

Happy Easter!
