
Think Tanks and Reporters

The State of Military History Part II


The State of Military History Part I


Is history still relevant today?

The Current Status of Military History

Revisionist History AT ITS WORST

Which came first?

Surrender by any other name is still surrender

My Prediction-"I was for the surge, before I was against it"

Fascinating look at what might have been

Another Outstanding Work

More Brain Candy

Another viewpoint on the Russian military

Interesting Strategic Problem



The "new" global war or terror? I don't think so.

My Weakness

More Ugliness in the Middle East

Veteran's Day

Getting the Freak on in Korea

Russian Military on the Rebound?

Virginia becomes the first chink in Obama's armor

Discussion on History: Amatuer or Professional?

Navies and COIN Warfare

Thought For The Day

New Report on Afghanistan

Future War and the U.S. Army

The Future of Warfare?

Two views of the future, each equally grim

Really good book w/ a warning

The US Army-Not Ready for the GWOT.